Monday, 13 July 2015

Festive Q&As with Rhoda Baxter, Alison May and Sheryl Browne!

Rhoda writes smart contemporary romantic comedy for Choc Lit. She likes to write about people who make her laugh. In real life she’s a former scientist who now works in intellectual property. She’s a mother of two and manages to be a sensible grown up when they’re around.

She lives in East Yorkshire, England, where there are lots of excellent tea shops. Rhoda a member of the UK Romantic Novelists' Association, the Society of Authors and the RWA. Her first book was shortlisted for the RNA New Writing award in 2012.

What sits on top of your Christmas tree?

We have a really cheap fake tree that we bought when my oldest was at the age where she pulled everything over on top of herself. Then my other daughter got to that stage, so we’ve still got a tree that can’t hold anything with much weight to it. I’ve tried various things on the top. I’d prefer to have a star, but the only thing that doesn’t make the top droop is a knitted angel finger puppet that my sister-in-law sent us when she in South America one Christmas. We’ve got used to her now (the fairy puppet, I mean, although I’m pretty used to my sister-in-law too) and I think we’ll keep her for years to come.

Favourite Christmas song?

Let It Snow. (As sung by Bing Crosby, if you’re going to be specific about it).

Favourite Christmas movie?

I can’t choose. I do like a soppy movie at Christmas and I always end up crying. Any sort of Christmas miracle themed film will do! Apart from Polar Express because Tom Hanks’ animated moustache creeps me out.

Favourite festive foodie treat?

Chocolate! I also LOVE Christmas pudding that has lot of nuts in it. I don’t drink much alcohol, but I do have a glass of wine before lunch at Christmas.

The best part of Christmas is…

Instead of a chocolate advent calendar, we have one of those wooden ones with the little boxes. Each day there’s a note with an activity (sing some carols, draw a special Christmas picture, tell someone you love them) and a sticker for each child. It’s a world of hassle thinking of 24 activities, but I love it.

The worst part of Christmas is…

The Post Lunch Walk. All I want to do after eating half a ton of Turkey is to go to sleep, but my in-laws are hearty types that like to go for a walk. The worst part is that I know it’s good for me, so I can’t complain. Gah.

Your best, and worst, Christmas present?

My best Christmas present was a couple of years ago when my husband got me a Kindle Paperwhite. The worse one… actually, I can’t think of a Christmas present that I hated. There were some ‘meh’ ones – like socks – but mainly, it’s just fun to get presents.

When do you do your Christmas shopping?

I have a box under the bed for Christmas presents and if I see something that is ‘perfect’ for someone, I’ll buy it and bung it in the box. I sometimes end up with two or three things for one person and nothing for someone else, but it usually works out that I only need to get a few bits for stocking fillers during the mad Christmas rush.

If that sounds too organised, it might help to know that I never get around to sending Christmas cards and end up sending a donation in to charity ‘instead of sending Christmas cards’ and then pretending that was my plan all along.

Any Christmas Day traditions?

Probably, but I can’t remember them. Oh, apart from the one about having a glass of wine before Christmas lunch… which might explain the memory blank, to be honest.

Favourite Christmas book?

The Night Before Christmas. Especially when my husband reads it and does a puking noise after reading ‘I ran to the window and threw up the sash’ (barf). I have a very childish sense of humour. *Tries to look sorry. Fails*

Favourite Christmassy book cover?

Is it too cheeky to say that I love the Christmas cover they did for the Truly Madly Deeply anthology? It had a reindeer and everything. I loved it.

Book sat at the top of your Christmas in July wishlist?

The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett. I have to wait for it to come out in paperback (I don’t do hardbacks – too expensive and too heavy). I’m so sad that there won’t be any more Discworld books. They are my go to comfort reads when times are hard. I know the stories and I find them somehow restful. This might be because the first time I read most of them, it was during summer holidays at home. Life was simpler for me back then and reading them again takes me back to the same feelings of comfort.

When did you find out Santa wasn’t real? Or is he real?

Last year I found out that Santa was Nick Frost. Which is just brilliant! I love Nick Frost.

How would you spend your ideal Christmas?

I’ve already had my ideal Christmas! One year, my husband and I decided to get away from it all and go to Turkey for Christmas. We spent Christmas day having a barbecue on a boat in a bay on the south coast of Turkey. It was lovely. Of course, we can’t do that now because the kids would be all whiny about missing Christmas…

Alison May is a novelist, short story writer. Her contemporary romantic comedies, including Holly’s Christmas Kiss, Cora’s Christmas Kiss, and the 21st Century Bard series, are published by Choc Lit. Alison is currently working on the third book in the Christmas Kisses series.

You can find out more about Alison at or on Twitter @MsAlisonMay, or on Facebook here:

What sits on top of your Christmas tree?

A star. EngineerBoy (my beloved husband) was brought up to believe that a sort of weird gnome thing should go on top of the tree. This is Very Wrong.

Favourite Christmas song?

Fairytale of New York, but I also love a proper Christmas carol – Hark the Herald is probably my favourite.

Favourite Christmas movie?

Die Hard. Which is totally definitely a Christmas film.

Favourite festive foodie treat?

Christmas dinner. I could almost manage without the turkey – it’s all the trimmings that are amazing.

The best part of Christmas is…

Noooo – I can’t pick just one bit. Christmas as a whole is awesome.

The worst part of Christmas is…


Your best, and worst, Christmas present?

I can’t remember any really bad Christmas presents. I think my best ever Christmas present was the Sindy moped. It came with a motorbike helmet for my Sindy doll. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

When do you do your Christmas shopping?

Early December. Never before the start of December. That is another thing that is Very Wrong.

Any Christmas Day traditions?

Presents first. That’s the main thing. I can’t be doing with people who are all patient and say things like, ‘Let’s save some for later.’

Favourite Christmas book?

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, which I think people don’t think of as a Christmas book, but the idea of Narnia as a place where it’s always winter, but never Christmas is absolutely chilling for child readers.

Favourite Christmassy book cover?

I’m going to be cheeky and choose one of my own now – I love the cover for Cora’s Christmas Kiss.

Book sat at the top of your Christmas in July wishlist?

The Night Before Christmas by Scarlett Bailey. It’s a few year’s old now but I never seem to get around to it at the ‘right’ time of year. So maybe this July is the time!

When did you find out Santa wasn’t real? Or is he real?

Why would you say such a thing? Of course Santa is real. Silly silly question.

How would you spend your ideal Christmas?

With family, and presents, and all the food. Simple.

Heartache, humour, love, loss & betrayal, Sheryl Browne brings you edgy, sexy, poignant fiction. A member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and shortlisted for Innovation in Romantic Fiction, Sheryl has seven books published with Safkhet Publishing. Sheryl’s new contemporary romance novel was recommended to the publisher by the WH Smith Travel fiction buyer. THE REST OF MY Life comes to you from award winning Choc Lit.

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Safkhet Publishing | Choc Lit | Romantic Novelists’ Association

What sits on top of your Christmas tree?

Favourite Christmas song?

A Winter’s Tale by David Essex. I think I could still drool over him now.

Favourite Christmas movie?

We watch animated films in front of the fire after dinner. My favourites watched at Christmas would have to be Shrek and Finding Nemo (don’t tell anyone, but my partner’s eyes welled up!). How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey ranks up there too.

Favourite festive foodie treat?

Christmas pud! I couldn’t eat it any other time, but it’s a Christmas must-have.

The best part of Christmas is…

Watching my foster dogs open their pressies.

The worst part of Christmas is…

Knowing there are people who are lonely, hurting or frightened who will never now the luxury of Christmas.

Your best, and worst, Christmas present?

Best: A bike! I was all grown up at the time, but I so wanted a traditional ladies bike. My partner bought one for me. It was the last Christmas I had with my dad (we knew he was poorly). My partner hid the bike at a neighbour’s and presented me with it after dinner, a proper bicycle with a bell and a basket and little roses on its frame. My dad’s face was one of pure joy. I think that was because he thought I was with someone who would look out for me. Worst: A peg bag. Say no more.

When do you do your Christmas shopping?

Last minute! It’s more that I think that Christmas is over-commercialised than being disorganised. I prefer outdoor shopping to shopping centres, usually in Worcester town centre.

Any Christmas Day traditions?

Animated films (my partner would be distraught if Santa didn’t bring him one!).

Favourite Christmas book?

I adored Fairy Tale in New Your by Nicky Wells. It’s a beautiful little novella to curl up with, Christmas chocs and mulled wine to hand.

Favourite Christmassy book cover?

Book sat at the top of your Christmas in July wishlist?

You have to admit, it’s the perfect way to spend Christmas in July.

When did you find out Santa wasn’t real? Or is he real?

Of course he’s real! Isn’t he? Shhhhhh.

How would you spend your ideal Christmas?

Life has a habit of changing things, but I think I would like to preserve the traditional Christmas we have for as long as I could.



  1. This is fun. Especially as it's all hot and muggy today.
    Merry not-christmas!

  2. Merry not-Christmas from me too, Sophie! Fabulous posts! Love it. :) xx

  3. Anonymous26/7/15 00:42

    I like Alison's answer that the worst part of Christmas is January, that's so true! At least we have kind of Christmas in July!

    1. I agree with that too, so rubbish when Christmas is over!


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