Published by HQ on July 12, 2018
The Party is Lisa Hall's third book. I haven't read the others yet so I didn't know what to expect from this one but it was a highly compelling, mind consuming and thoroughly absorbing read.
Rachel wakes up after a New Year's Eve party in a world of confusion as she feels uncomfortable about the events that she can't seem to remember. We try and piece the harrowing night together along with Rachel and as she discusses the party with the other guests, the book has an unsettling feel about it which had me eager to learn more.
The guest list for the party was that big it made for a book full of suspects and it was very engrossing following Rachel as she tries to come to terms with the events of a night she doesn't remember but somehow cannot forget. I had my suspicions early on and they proved true in the end but not without a few changes of heart in between. I definitely didn't warm to the majority of characters and disliked quite a few of them so it wasn't difficult to suspect more than just the one possible culprit, which made The Party very intriguing to begin with.
It seemed every character in the book had their own secrets to keep and it was fascinating following Rachel as she tries to uncover the truth of what happened that night as along the way we begin to find out the secrets people were so desperate to keep. Because there was so many characters of little help to Rachel, this was a book where I felt like nothing was as it seemed and I really enjoyed that element to the book as I just didn't know who to believe and at times whether anybody at all could be trusted. Although it felt at times that nobody seemed to believe that anything sinister could have happened to Rachel, the more I read the more I thought that everybody at the party was far more concerned with protecting themselves than even considering that Rachel needed help after her traumatic ordeal.
Lisa Hall's engaging storytelling was made very easy to be lured into and with each shifty character more questions were raised and although the sheer amount of secrets and hidden truths in this book meant that as a reader I still had unanswered questions after turning the final page, I quite enjoyed that element as it left me still thinking about The Party days after reading it. This was a memorable book with one of those endings that had me itching for more pages yet overall I think it worked well in its mystique. I would definitely recommend the read and will be reading more from Lisa Hall in future!
Many thanks to HQ for sending me a copy of The Party to review.