Monday 12 May 2014

Review ~ The Awakening by Emma Jones.

Title: The Awakening.
Author: Emma Jones.
Genre: Young Adult.
Release Date: December 7, 2013.
Source: Bought.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

Purchase: Amazon UK | Amazon

Do you believe in vampires? Ghosts? The supernatural world?

Meet Lauren who instantly clicks with Gavin at a friend’s BBQ. Everything goes well until Lauren starts to experience strange things and hears a weird voice. It seems like a warning but from what? Lauren eventually makes the startling discovery that Gavin is a vampire and it has profound consequences for herself. The arrival of Daniel makes things even more confusing for Lauren as she is warned he is bad news from a ghostly source. Laurens life is turned upside down as things she thought were myths and legends become real and she struggles to cope with everything she has discovered.

Will Lauren and Gavin’s relationship survive and what about the mysterious Daniel?

The cover for The Awakening is stunning and that drew me into this book instantly. It’s an intriguing and captivating cover and the book itself perfectly matches this. The Awakening was engaging and really enjoyable – a good debut novel.

Lauren was a really likeable character – as she was easy to relate to as a typical girl from the beginning, once her life began to change, I found it easy to connect with her and empathise too. As for Gavin and Daniel, I never knew what to expect from either of them and this made the book interesting for me. Daniel I thought especially was developed really well – when he was introduced, I had expected him to be a one-dimensional trouble-causer but that wasn’t the case!

My complaint from this book was not with the actual story but more the formatting of it. Parts of this book, especially when we learn about the history of vampires and the legends, were quite lengthy and as interesting as they were, I would have found them easier to read if they’d been split into smaller paragraphs. There were also quite a few grammatical mistakes which I don’t normally notice but were quite prominent in The Awakening.

Focusing on the actual story though, I found this book a little spooky and very gripping. It was a very fast-paced read which kept it entertaining and I was always eager to know what was going to happen next. I loved how Emma built up the traits and history and the unpredictable twists towards the end were great. The Awakening was a fascinating debut novel and I will be looking out for more from the author.

Review also posted on Goodreads | Amazon UK | Amazon


  1. Thank you Sophie. Glad you enjoyed it. X

  2. Anonymous20/5/14 19:27

    I like your review so much about The Awaking by Emma Jones that I am going to order a copy. P.S Cant wait for your review for Second Time I Saw You by Pippa Croft. Think I add that to my list of books to buy. From


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