Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Review ~ Warrant for Love by Sheryl Browne.

Title: Warrant for Love.
Author: Sheryl Browne.
Publisher: Safkhet.
Genre: Romantic Comedy.
Release Date: June 24, 2012.
Source: Bought.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.

Purchase: Amazon UK

Life for Paul sounds like your typical country song. He comes from a broken home, his wife is divorcing him, he's got no place to live, he's losing custody of his son, and his sergeant, who's sleeping with his wife, is a loud-mouthed braggart who won't let up on him – not even at work.

Leanne's caught her (now) ex cheating on her again, but before she can give him the what-for, she's wrongfully arrested for soliciting – by Paul and his partner. One thing leads to another and things could be looking up for Paul, except for Leanne's friends – quarrelling mom Nicky and financial goddess Jade – have it out for her ex.

Leanne wants closure, Paul wants a home, and Nicky and Jade want revenge. Blackmail, lies, adultery, entrapment. Will it all work out in the end or will Paul uphold the law? It sounds like he needs a Warrant for Love.

Warrant for Love is a rom-com with a difference. Though I was laughing a lot throughout, it also touches on some more serious aspects of life and love which really helped me connect with the strong female characters, three best friends, Leanne, her sister Nicky and Jade. Individually, they all had their own interesting story to tell and combined, well let’s just say I definitely wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of them!

Whilst the synopsis does touch on it, I was surprised by how involved Jade and Nicky were. They each had their own issues to work through which were explored here. I loved how well developed their characters were and how their stories could have been worthy of a book on their own. Sheryl’s writing really brought out some brilliant characters and as for the blackmail aspect in this book, I can only say this book was as mad as it was entertaining.

Leanne’s role in Warrant for Love doesn’t get off to the best start. After discovering her money-grabbing boyfriend has been cheating on her and then finding herself arrested for soliciting by an infuriatingly good-looking policeman, thing surely could only get better… She does find that maybe there’s more than meets the eye to Paul, the policeman responsible for her arrest. Paul was my favourite character – his life seems to be one disaster after another and I couldn’t help but feel for him. I just wanted him to pull through and end his run of bad luck.

Warrant for Love is a really character-driven book and so it’s hard to review without spoiling anything. But what I can say is that Sheryl’s writing just gets better with each book I read by her. Here, I can think of seven characters I absolutely loved and although there were a lot of people in this book, they were all built up really well and nothing felt missing. As we’re brought the story through Leanne, Paul, Jade and Nicky’s perspective, the flow is still kept perfectly and there’s no confusion or struggles to keep up when the book switches in character. The ending, I also loved and Sheryl managed to tie up each aspect of Warrant for Love really well. This is a rom-com I’d highly recommend.

Review also posted on Goodreads | Amazon UK


  1. Yay!!! Ohhh, poor Paul. I swear to God I had him tucked up in bed with me - just to counsel him through his disastrous bad luck, you understand. ;) Another outstanding review, Sophie. Thank you so very much! The was a book that had many redrafts, but one I was determined to get right. Much angst but so worth it. I do love Paul. :) xxx

    1. Ee you keep your hands off him Sheryl ;) Thank you :) xxx


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