Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Sophie and Suze's Review Challenge ~ 23/1 - 2/2.

As much as I love sharing my reviews of the books I've been reading, I do have a little bit of a problem. Sometimes, I just can't stop reading long enough to get a review written up. I'll read book after book and not write the review. Thankfully, I'm not alone and chatting to my fellow book reviewers on Twitter and Facebook, I can see a lot of us have that problem too.

The wonderful Suze and I have therefore created a challenge, to help us all with tackling that review backlog. It's meant to be a fun way of losing some of the pressure of unwritten reviews and to challenge ourselves to review more than we typically do. This challenge starts on the 23rd of January, and will last for ten days.

There's no limit to the amount of reviews you write and you don't have to be a blogger to take part. Anyone who reviews on Netgalley/Amazon/Goodreads is welcome to join in. If you don't have a review backlog (i.e, you're sensible) then please join in anyway and just review after you've finished reading your books. If you are a blogger, then we'd love it if you could write a blog post about the challenge.

The challenge will end on February 2 and we'll be celebrating with a Facebook and Twitter party. There'll also be prizes up for grabs for those who've signed up. Set yourself an achievable review target - mine is to write 20 reviews because I'm SO behind - but choose whatever's best for you. To join us, bloggers, submit your blog link below and if you're not a blogger, feel free to enter the link of your Amazon, Netgalley or Goodreads account.


  1. Love this idea and sign me up, but I'm hosting #IrishFictionFortnight at the same time so expect all Irish books :)

  2. Great idea, I'm behind with my reviews too!

  3. Great idea for a challenge! I think I'm almost up to date at the moment, but you're right that it is a struggle to keep up. There's so many diverting books clamouring to be read and reviews cut into valuable reading time.
    Reviewing has helped concentrate my reading though. Knowing I will later write about the book is a strong incentive to pay attention thoughout.

    1. I feel the same! I focus a lot more on different aspects of a book when I'm going to review it, but sometimes I just don't want to stop reading long enough to write a review. So hopefully this will motivate us!

  4. Anonymous19/1/15 15:33

    Sounds like an excellent idea! Please sign me up :) xx

  5. Hi, Sophie, this might be just what I'm needing: I do tend to manage to keep fairly up-to-date with writing reviews but I am terribly behind in posting them,
    partly because I don't want to overload my regular readers. But it might be fun to try and post one a day over the next ten days – and I can blame you if people get sick of me!
    Plus it might be fun to "meet" some new book bloggers.


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