Thursday, 27 March 2014

Review ~ Falling by Emma Kavanagh.

Title: Falling.
Author: Emma Kavanagh.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller.
Release Date: March 27, 2014.

Purchase: Amazon UK ; Amazon

A plane falls out of the sky. A woman is murdered. Four people all have something to hide.

Jim is a retired police officer, and worried father. His beloved daughter has disappeared and he knows something is wrong.

Tom has woken up to the news that his wife was on the plane and must break the news to their only son.

Cecilia had packed up and left her family. Now she has survived a tragedy, and sees no way out.

Freya is struggling to cope with the loss of her father. But as she delves into his past, she may not like what she finds.

'Before the plane crash, after the plane crash, such a short amount of time for the world to turn on its head.'


Falling was one of those books where I just couldn’t stop reading. I lost count of the amount of times I said one more chapter because there was always a twist that kept me reading. I did lose a night’s sleep reading this but it was massively worth it.

The plot alternates in perspectives, from Cecelia to Tom, to Jim and to Freya. Four complex characters that are all connected, some way or another. The characters were written brilliantly. You didn’t have to like or understand their choices but I found myself growing to sympathise and see where they’d been coming from as you can really get into their minds. You just have to read it to see how their stories work and how the author did an amazing job.

I still don’t understand how this is a debut novel. Emma Kavanagh has a great career ahead of her if this is the standard of book she’ll be releasing. The murder investigation flows wonderfully. I spent the whole time trying to piece it all together and there wasn’t a point where I was thinking – that just doesn’t work. You will probably go through the whole book guessing who has done what and some people will get it right when others won’t. I don’t think that should get in the way of enjoying a book because you have to be interested and you have to care about the story to spend time figuring it out.

Gripping, engaging, tense and fantastic are the best words I can use to describe Falling and I need more from this author, now.

*I received an e-ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

Review also posted on Goodreads ; Amazon UK ; Amazon

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