Sunday, 16 August 2015

Netgalley Challenge sign-ups!

Since the last Netgalley Challenge I hosted with Suze, my Netgalley feedback % has been rising and I'm now at 35%, the highest I've been in well over a year I think. Trying to up our Netgalley % together whilst chatting about the books we were reading and reviewing really helped us enjoy it more and I'm really excited to be bringing the challenge back this September.

I love Netgalley and I love dedicating my time to reading more of my Netgalley books and so I'm looking forward to hosting this challenge with Suze again, though I'm not setting a target this time! Sign-ups are below and I hope you'll take part. Even if you only have a few books on your shelf, it's still the perfect excuse to request a few tempting ones and join in... Or, if like me your Netgalley TBR is into triple figures (oops) then come sign up, you're amongst friends    ;-)

As usual, there'll be a Facebook event where we'll chat about our books and host our final day Facebook party with lots of giveaways. Do shout at me if you want to be invited. There'll also be a few giveaways on Twitter for you to enter since the best reward for reading and reviewing a few books is of course, receiving new books... Don't forget to tweet about the challenge using #netgalleychallenge!

Add your blog link (or Goodreads etc) below to join in and feel free to enter the international giveaway to win a book of your choice once you've signed up.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loved this idea! I've been reading a lot of NetGalley books and I love discovering new/good books before everyone ahaha ^.^

    Naya @

    1. Thanks Naya! I love that we get to read books before everybody else, it's pretty cool :)

  2. I should probably join in with this. I have some really great books on my Netgalley shelf that I really ought to read fairly soon! It's so easy to fall behind on there.

    1. It is, and so easy to request more every time you visit, even if you're leaving feedback for another...


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