Monday, 16 December 2013

Cover Reveal ~ For Christmas' Sake by Tyffani Clark Kemp.

Rozaline doesn't know it, but her pet shelter is in trouble. Her benefactor is ready to pull out, but instead of telling her, he's orchestrated one last hurrah to give her enough money to last through the next year. That's where super famous celebrity Charles Roulette comes in. His fans will pay to go on a date with him, in turn, the money he raises will go to Rozaline's shelter.

But there's a catch.

Because she owns the shelter, Rozaline can't enter to win. Mina, Rozaline's roommate and best friend and the daughter of the man ready to cut her loose, can. Her father pays to get Mina four dates with Charles.

The price of betrayal? One hundred thousand dollars.

Charles, however, only has eyes for one woman. Are years of friendship enough to transcend the betrayal of a lifetime? Who gets the man? And, for Christmas' sake, what happens to the puppies?

Here is the 'Nice' edition cover!

Here is the 'Naughty' edition cover!

About the Author:

Tyffani Clark Kemp has been writing since she discovered in the sixth grade that it wasn’t enough just to read about fantastic places, but she could create her own. She weaves small bits of herself into everything she writes whether it be a science fiction piece about aliens or a dramatic romance fraught with conflict and love. She lives in South Carolina with her family and her fluffy shii tzu-mix dog who thinks he’s a Saint Bernard.

Connect with Tyffani: Goodreads ; Blog ; Facebook ; Twitter ; Pinterest


  1. Fun cover, I really like how it goes with the title. Love the red and white tones.


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