What sits on top of your Christmas tree?

Always a star. The one we use came from my in-laws when they emigrated to Dubai a couple of years back.

Favourite Christmas song?

Last Christmas by Wham.

Favourite Christmas movie?

I have two: The Family Man, with Nicolas Cage, and The BFG.

We haven’t watched The BFG for the last couple of years so this past Christmas, my three children and I sat down all excited to watch it, selection boxes at the ready, only to discover we’d recorded the film in Welsh. Gutted!

Favourite festive foodie treat?

Cheese Footballs and Twiglets, eaten with mash, cold meat leftovers and coleslaw.

Cheese. Lots and lots and all different types of cheese.

The best part of Christmas is…

The kids’ excitement - it’s infectious.

The worst part of Christmas is…

It’s all over too quickly. All those weeks of prep and it’s over within the blink of an eye.

Your best, and worst, Christmas present?

Best present: my Macbook Pro. I love it and spend my whole working life glued to its keyboard.

I have a worst present in mind but I’m not going to tell anyone. Sorry!

When do you do your Christmas shopping?

Last minute usually. Although last year I started a few weeks before Christmas and felt very grown up and responsible.

Any Christmas Day traditions?

We always have a fry-up after we’ve opened presents. My husband puts the toys and gadgets together while I get the breakfast ready.

Favourite Christmas book?

Maybe This Christmas by Sarah Morgan.

Favourite Christmassy book cover?

Honestly, I have no idea.

Book sat at the top of your Christmas in July wishlist?

The Woman Who Fell in Love For a Week by Fiona Walker.

When did you find out Santa wasn’t real? Or is he real?

He’s real!

How would you spend your ideal Christmas?

Tucked up in a cosy cabin with family. We’d spend the morning out walking and having fun in the snow and the afternoon eating in front of an open fire.

What sits on top of your Christmas tree?

A Tigger Dressed as an Angel, can’t remember where I got it from, but I LOVE Tigger, so it’s perfect, if a little young for someone whose merely weeks away from 30

Favourite Christmas Song?

Without a doubt ‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year’ by Andy Williams, I like the old fashioned Christmas songs like that one more than Slade and others like that… there’s just something more magical about them for me!

Favourite Christmas movie?

Home Alone (followed closely by the sequel) I love watching this movie all year, not just at Christmas, but it’s one of my favourite movies from my childhood.

Favourite festive foodie treat?

Do I have to decide? Probably Simon's mum's Christmas pudding or the buffet we have on Christmas eve and new years eve….

The best part of Christmas is…

Chilling out on Christmas afternoon with family on Christmas afternoon infront of the tv with a glass of wine or cider. Some are watching the tv, some are reading or checking out presents, but it's just pure relaxation

The worst part of Christmas is...

The day after boxing day when you have to go home and life kind of gets back to reality for a few days.

Also I wake up early and Simon would prefer to sleep all day every day if he could, so trying to get him up before 10am is a near impossible task if he has the day off work, making Christmas morning torture for me :(

Your best, and worst, Christmas present?

My best Christmas present… that’s a hard one! I would have to say that my boyfriend always gets me great gifts, but my favourite may sound a bit strange. A few years ago I would keep ‘special’ coins that have different backs than the standard ones, like the Olympic 50p coins they did. I kept them in a money box, but Simon found a special folder that has pockets for them all and little cards explaining who or what they celebrated (half of them aren’t obvious), so I can keep track of which ones I have. It was one of the only gifts he has bought me that hasn’t been from a wish list; it was such a surprise!

My worst? My auntie used to buy me presents, ignoring any wish lists I may have she would buy me something she thought I would like which is ok, but sadly they were rarely to my tastes (Furry Gilet anyone?!). However, that said, in the last few years all the presents she’s given me have been absolutely great. It’s always funny though, as whenever she gives me a birthday or Christmas gift she always tells me that she didn’t pay full price for it, she loves a bargain and always buys presents in the sales. I have no issue with this at all, I’m grateful for the thought, it’s just really funny how she has a compulsion to confess this every time.

When do you do your Christmas shopping?

It differs, some years I am mega organised and have everything by end of November, other years it's less organised, but I'm always finished a week before hand.

Any Christmas Day traditions?

The only real traditions is how we open the presents, but they are different traditions depending on whose parents we visit, or if Simon and I stay in.

At my parents (and if Simon and I stay in) we take turns opening presents, at Simon's, either Simon or Simon's sister hands out presents as they come out from under the tree and it's a free for all opening them.

Favourite Christmas book?

I love any of Carole Matthew's Christmas books, and I think her latest 'The Christmas Party' would be my fave!

Favourite Christmassy book cover?

One Minute to Midnight is beautiful with the fireworks and snow over London, though set around new years eve, but still has a lovely Christmassy feel.

That said, all of Scarlett Bailey's Christmas books are beautiful, and any one of them would be my Christmas favourite if One Minute to midnight didn't count!

Book sat at the top of your Christmas in July wishlist?

Any of Scarlett Bailey's, I've only read one book of hers and it was one from summer last year 'Two Weddings and a Baby', which I adored, so am excited to read a Christmas one from her.

When did you find out Santa wasn’t real? Or is he real?

I don't remember when I found out, I just kind of accepted it at some point (though while I love the magic the idea of him brings) - I do remember being scared at one point when I got up at like 4am when I thought he was still there and I was going to catch him as the light was on downstairs but my dad assured me it was just my mum waking up early and he had already been.

How would you spend your ideal Christmas?

In New York, wandering around in the snow before getting some dinner and drinks with both my family, Simon's family and some of our closest friends.

What sits on top of your Christmas tree?

Nothing, it’s a pop up fibre optic tree. I work long hours and at Christmas spend more time at family’s houses. When I lived at home we had a fairy called Enid.

Favourite Christmas song?

I love all Christmas songs but if I had to pick one it would be Fairytale of New York.

Favourite Christmas movie?

Home Alone 2, I still laugh at the silliness of it, especially the bit with the bricks as Marv looks like my ex-husband lol

Favourite festive foodie treat?

I love Turkey and that makes it for me.

The best part of Christmas is…

Spending time with family and watching my nephew who’s five open his Christmas presents, its so much more magical when they believe in Father Christmas.

The worst part of Christmas is…

How commercial it is now and how every year Christmas decorations are springing up earlier and earlier. I saw a tree at the end of October last year

Your best, and worst, Christmas present?

Oh I don’t know about best, probably my kindle paperwhite last year. Worse was when I was a teenager and I got a David Cassidy tape, I’d never heard of him.

When do you do your Christmas shopping?

I’m a bit of last minute and in advance, I get vouchers so if I see anything I buy and then sometimes I leave getting them till the last minute. As for Christmas cards forget it, usually get those Christmas Eve.

Any Christmas Day traditions?

No not really as I usually work some part of Christmas.

Favourite Christmas book?

I don’t really have a favourite Christmas book as I love the ones that make me feel like I’m spending Christmas with someone special.

Favourite Christmassy book cover?

As above, anything that has lots of snow on it.

Book sat at the top of your Christmas in July wishlist?

I haven’t even thought about it, as I’m going on holiday, my brain is thinking hot summer reads at the mo.

When did you find out Santa wasn’t real? Or is he real?

Of course he’s real…

How would you spend your ideal Christmas?

With family and friends, having a lovely Christmas meal and a few drinks. At some point I get to read a Christmas book.



  1. Such a cute Q/A!! Love it! <3
