Today I'm delighted to be sharing the cover for Kerry Fisher's next book, The Island Escape, which will be published by Avon Books this summer. The cover is gorgeous and I hope you all agree... I can't wait to read it!

A little bit about the book...

It’s about two friends, Roberta and Octavia. They’ve been bosom buddies since the year dot, going through all the ups and downs of life together. So when Roberta’s marriage falls apart, Octavia is there to support her through the tough times. What Octavia doesn’t expect is the effect this has on her own marriage…

Suddenly, she’s wondering if her life could have been different. She finds herself thinking back to the time she spent on the island of Corsica…and the time she spent in the arms of a man she never quite got over. Should she be happy with her lot – safe and boring as it is? Or is it time for her to go back to the island and face the ghosts of her past?

Filled with love, heartbreak and tears of sadness and joy, this is the only book you’ll want to read by the pool this summer.


  1. I must be a twisted kind of person as I'd probably be reading zombies by the pool if I was going on holiday! *giggles*
