Title: The Little Christmas Kitchen.
Author: Jenny Oliver.
Publisher: Carina UK.
Genre: Contemporary Romance.
Publication Date: October 20, 2014.

Purchase: Amazon UK

Christmas at the Davenports’ house was always about one thing: food.

But when sisters Ella and Maddy were split up, Ella to live in London with their Dad, and Maddy staying in Greece with their Mum, mince pies lost their magic.

Now, a cheating husband has thrown Ella a curved snowball…and for the first time in years, all she wants is her mum. So she heads back to Greece, where her family’s taverna holds all the promise of home. Meanwhile, waitress Maddy’s dreams of a white Christmas lead her back to London… and her Dad.

But a big fat festive life-swap isn’t as easy as it sounds! And as the sisters trade one kitchen for another, it suddenly seems that among the cinnamon, cranberries and icing sugar, their recipes for a perfect Christmas might be missing a crucial ingredient: each other.

It’s Christmas! - Jenny Oliver

What’s your best Christmas memory?

- I remember one Christmas as a kid getting up really early (like four in the morning early), preparing my parents breakfast in bed - Coco Pops on a tray! - and waking them up so that we could open our presents. They looked at the cereal, then at the alarm clock and marched me straight back to bed. The only good thing was that I caught a glimpse of my stocking on the way back to my room and saw that it was packed to bursting!

On Christmas Day, you’ll be wearing…

- I recently bought a bubble gum pink jumper from Cos. I don’t normally wear pink but I just fell in love with this jumper. At the moment I see myself wearing it on Christmas Day with skinny black trousers and a necklace I have that’s sparkly diamente sewn onto hot pink chord. If however I fall in love with something else between now and then, this could easily change. And the amount of time I spend in TKMaxx, that could very easily happen!

This year’s presents will be wrapped in…

- Wrapping paper from Tiger. My sister bought some last year along with velvet ribbon and little beads and her presents were jealous-makingly stunning. So basically I will copying her. She, however, will probably have moved onto something even better. It’s hard to compete...one year she wrapped everything in brown paper and hand drew magnificent bows on every gift.

What’s your dream Christmas setting?

- Last year we spent Christmas in a cottage in Cornwall. There was a blanket of frost on the lawn, a big tree glittering in the corner of the room next to a roaring fire and a walk on the beach on Christmas Day. It was bliss.

What keeps you awake on Christmas Eve?

- Whether people will be excited as I am about the presents I’ve bought them.

In your stocking you’d like?

- Chocolate coins and a satsuma.


Jenny’s latest novel THE LITTLE CHRISTMAS KITCHEN is out now.

Hungry for more? Try THE VINTAGE SUMMER WEDDING and THE PARISIAN CHRISTMAS BAKE-OFF, which is also available in paperback.

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  1. Love the Christmas memory. Don't think I will be happy if my two get up at 4!

  2. You always have such wonderful giveaways :)
