I love The Teashop on the Corner by Milly Johnson - review to come soon - and I have a spare copy to giveaway, internationally. :)

At her beloved husband's funeral, Carla Pride discovers that Martin never divorced his first wife and has been living a double life with her. And his other wife, Julie Pride, is determined to take everything from Carla - her home, her money, and her memories.

When Will Linton's business goes bust he at least thinks that with the support of his trophy wife Nicole he will rise to the top again. But Nicole isn't going to stick around with 'a loser' and Will finds himself at rock bottom.

Molly Jones is being bullied into going into a retirement home by her 'concerned' daughter-in-law Sherry and son Gram. Then the love of Molly's life walks in through her door - a man who broke Molly's heart into little pieces many years ago. But he says he is dying and wants to spend the time he has left with her.

All people in need of a little love and compassion which they find by chance in the stationery and teashop on the corner run by the ever-cheerful Leni, a woman that site developer Shaun McCarthy finds annoying beyond annoying for her ability to remain unrealistically upbeat about everything.

But is the world of Leni Merryman as full of rainbows and sparkles as everyone thinks? Or is her smile papering over many cracks in her heart that will soon be shattered unwittingly by her new friends?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a fun read!

  2. A great book give-away thank you Sophie xxx

  3. The book sounds great xxx

  4. Anonymous4/10/14 21:30

    Brilliant competition :-) All entered, thank you very much! Would love to win. Thoroughly enjoyed An Autumn Crush.

    1. Ah good luck! I have that one to read :)

  5. Looks a great book thanks

  6. Thanks for the giveaway, this is on my want list, it sounds very good.

  7. This book sounds right up my street! Many thanks for the giveaway. xx

  8. Thanks for the chance. Good luck everyone x

  9. Anonymous8/10/14 17:15

    Eep this book sounds fab! X
